

When does my course expire?

Every time you log in, it shows the date of expiry.  Please know that the system expires on the 70th day, based on the 24 hour clock at the time you purchased a course.  For example, if you purchased a course at 2pm MST, it expires 70 days hence at 2pm. See more re: expiry date in FAQ

Login difficulties with Captcha dual authentication

Enter user name and password

Then hit remember me button first in yellow before matching Captcha

What is a CIPR number?

Canadian Insurance Participant Registry: this number will follow you through your career.  It is free to register and required to write Provincial Insurance exams.  This number will be used to track your Continuing Education Credits throughout your career in the insurance industry.  It costs nothing to register a CIPR number and takes only a moment to obtain.   Navigate to to enroll for this number.

CIPR is required across Canada, so even if moving to another Province or Territory, this number will be required.  If you decide not to continue in insurance, the number is used for no other reason than exams and CE Credits.

Getting started. How to register for a course

You must first register and create your User Profile before you can buy a course.

1 – Select the “register” tab from the top menu and complete the form.

2 – You will receive a confirmation email to activate your account.

3 – Return to, log in, then select the course you wish to purchase.

4 – Select the course to the purchase and check out. Credit Card becomes an available option after the user profile is registered.

To get to the course you purchased:

1 – Log in if you are logged out.

2 – Select the “Courses” tab from the top menu

3 – Click on the course you purchased.

4 – Once the page loads, select the “Curriculum” tab to see all available lessons

5 – Select the lesson you want.

Paying by Credit Card instead of PayPal

In order to activate the credit card method of payment, you must have an activated User Account as a subscribed user on  Follow the appropriate steps under How to Register FAQ (above).

Upon checkout, you will be directed to where you will have the option to pay with your with your Credit Card or directly with a PayPal account.  We use PayPal as a credit card processing service, similar to Stripe, Moneris etc.  Payment via credit card is accepted.

Optimal performance for videos and website quizzes

This website uses interactive practice exams and videos. Use one of the website browsers below for optimal performance.

If you don’t have the latest version, you can download your preferred browser from the links below:


Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Firefox Safari (Mac only)

We have experienced some technical issues when using Internet Explorer 11 or older version of IE.

Using an internet provider with slow upload/download speed will affect performance of the website.  Be sure your internet access is high-speed.


Be sure to clear your cache often.  

Is this course for me? I have no insurance experience

This course is specifically designed to welcome new people with no experience to the insurance industry licensing process.  Professional Development Training Center Inc is a qualified provider approved by Alberta Insurance Council and meets all requirements of GLQP (General Licensing Qualification Program).   Results on Level 1 exams are actually better if you are new to insurance, as you don’t have any pre-conceived knowledge to confuse you.

How to print CE Certificate

Note:  The print certificate button will only appear once you have completed at least 98.5% of course curriculum

Before printing the certificate:

  • Be sure you have entered your CIPR# correctly in your User profile
  • Click on Finish Course button
To add your CIPR# follow these steps:
     Step 1 – Navigate to Profile  and click EDIT
     Step 2 – When your profile appears,  Add CIPR# to that field
     Step 3 – Save changes
After adding your CIPR# in order to print your CE Certificate follow these steps:
     Step 1 – Navigate to COURSES at the top menu
     Step 2 – Select the course you completed. For example, the red bannered E&O Course
     Step 3 – Confirm that you see a yellow “Certificate” button, this means that you have successfully completed the course
     Step4 – Click on the yellow Certificate button, the certificate will appear
     Step 5 – Confirm that all the information is populated and correct
     Step 6 – Scroll to the bottom, click on the arrow to download/print the certificate

After your employer has completed sponsorship documents, it is your responsibility to enter this Course ID  number in your profile at

We always recommend retaining paper copies of certificates.  Kindly know that we charge $25 for anyone requesting reprints.


I am new to insurance. Will I be able to pass the exam?

Yes, in fact our results have always been better for brand new people to the industry.  Those who have been in insurance sometimes know some obscure or different information.  Learn from us, pass the exam, and start your career successfully.  You will be amazed how much you will learn!

Can I watch some videos for free?

Yes, please navigate to Curriculum under Fully Online Level 1 course.  There are some videos there unlocked, which  you can watch, and get a taste for the online video component of our course.

70 days access for Level 1– what if I start on the course and need it for more than 70 days?

The majority of  participants are spending 24 days s in the actual course online.  This was originally a one-week seminar which was professionally video recorded, with some pre-work and homework assignments.  If you need more time, you will need to pay a fee to extend it by contacting, or simply purchase the entire program again.   There is truly no such thing as an “extension” as they system is programmed for this timeframe.    This is the most generous timeframe we have offered.  Until 2023 this was 44 days and the success was immense.

We updated due to the Christmas holiday season 2023-2024 then kept it at 70 days.

Study hard, know and be confident.  70 days is very generous!

If you need more time after 70 days, be very cautious!  Study hard and write the exam when you are fresh!   The results are worse as people take more than 2 months to study.  We market to the people serious about a career change.  Jump onboard and change your career quickly and confidently!

What if my 70 days run out before I finish. Why 70 days?

Please time your purchase.  This 70 day window is on a 24 hour clock.  Therefore don’t purchase today if you are taking an extended vacation before starting or during these 60 days.  And, know that if you purchase the course at 2am, it will expire at 2am, 70 days later.

Seventy days is VERY generous, even if you are working full time with family issues.   You will need to study for sure to absorb all of the material within this timeframe.

WHY  70 days?  We WANT you to pass the AIC Exam, and it takes dedicated studies to join this career for only $387.50 + $50 for AIC exam fee!  What other career can you start for only this fee.  We WANT you to be successful, and to write the exam while we know what is tested.  The AIC exam changes frequently.  Governing your studies appropriately for a short period of time is critical to your own success!

If you have had unforeseen circumstances.  Email to see if you qualify for a reset of your course.  There is truly no such thing as an” extension”.   PLEASE KNOW that we charge a fee for this!

Do I need to buy a book?

No, the Fully Online course was specifically designed with downloadable PDF documents.  Each time you need to have a document to follow along, there is a stop sign which indicates to download and print the document.

There are times on some of the videos that binders were used in a classroom.  All documents relative to these lessons are downloadable.  Not requiring a binder saves you $450+ dollars.

Where are the study guides? Level 1 and Level 2 info:


At the start of the course there is an area where you can view or download all required and referenced material for the complete course. Also, before each lesson starts, there will be a stop sign indicating to download the document required for that particular lesson.  We highly recommend that you print these documents to follow along.  This sets you up for “just in time” learning for the module being taught.



Every time you start a new chapter, the book pages for that chapter are available for download.  Watch the videos and follow along. There are additional study materials such as cheat-sheets and quick reference material to assist with your studies as well.  Be sure to download those!


Following along with printable / non-printable documents

What we found that people loved the videos so much, that they didn’t use the downloadable documents enough.  We have made them more noticeable and indicate exactly when they are required.  Each of these documents could be saved to a flash drive and printed If you do not have a printer handy.  Some like to use 2 monitors.  Perfect, but necessary to have the document (free with the course) to follow some of the more technical videos.  Invest in your success and follow along on the downloadable and printable documents.

Some of the materials have changed over the years, but the content hasn’t.  Early videos in the course follow an older book, but the content is still precise with the exam.  That book has copyright issues, so we cannot publish it.  However, if you follow along with the printable policy wordings and video-recordings you will have everything you need to be successful.

What is GLQP? How do I become qualified to enroll in AIC Exam?

The GLQP (General Licensing Qualification Program) is a program in place by AIC. ( To challenge AIC exam, you must take an approved course. We at PDTC suggest that you will successfully want to pass the AIC exam, on which you require a minimum of 70%.  We do not qualify you to write the AIC Level 1 licensing examination until you have completed all components of our online course and passed our Qualification Exam.  Once you have successfully done so, you advise us the date you intend to challenge AIC exam.  We then complete some back end work on AIC website, approving you, and you will then be able to register.  To accomplish this, you will require a CIPR (Canadian Insurance Participant Registry) number which is free at This GLQP process has been in place by Alberta Insurance Council since January 1, 2020″.

I have heard great feedback about videos. What do you mean on your website by videos?

Professional Development Training Center wanted an interactive and interesting approach to online learning, where you are engaged and understand.  We received so many compliments and had a valued client base on our classroom style delivery of seminars.  We wanted to bring this to life online.  We hired a professional videographer to have our Level 1 licensing seminar professionally recorded.  This is real classroom seminars brought to life.  However, during your 30-day registration you can watch these videos multiple times, 24 hours per day 7 days per week.  There are integrated practice exams to assist with your learning.  Read REVIEWS under Fully Online Level 1 course offering and you will see what people just like you say about the videos.  You will be engaged in your learning.

Do you update your course? When is the last time the course was updated?

We have a great relationship with our clients, and hear about any small changes through our client feedback.  We respond very quickly to changes.  In fact, we send additional study materials to you via email prior to your writing AIC exam if anything has changed or has been amended, or even if we feel you need some extra tips.  We are engaged in your learning, and you will be well prepared if you follow through our course curriculum and documents online.

There is a Curriculum Design Document available at which we check regularly for updates.  Use this as a guideline only to your studies please.  We base our course on this plus feedback and research.


Courses were updated FEBRUARY 2024 !!!  This course is 100% up to date with all potential exam content.

What if I am unsuccessful on my first attempt at AIC Exam, or feel like I need more help to understand the concepts before writing AIC exam?

We proudly offer an online tutoring program, called Online & Live Coaching, which is a great offering at only $250.00

If you have tried the course and feel you need more help understanding concepts, or if perhaps have been unsuccessful on the AIC exam on your first attempt, this purchases you individual tutoring time with Jane Davis, who organizes video-conference sessions, provides extra tutoring, practice exams and answers all of your questions individually.  We work with you to help you understand.  Insurance is difficult.  These exams are difficult, and some people need to gain confidence to write the AIC exam. We are flexible to meet your schedule.


Effective March 15, 2021 we have added a new exam for $69.00 to really practice your skills.  These questions are directly from the AIC and will assist in your preparation.  Rationale to the answers is included with these questions.  This exam is a good test of your studies.


Can I buy both Fully Online Level 1 course and Live Tutoring for extra help at the same time?

Yes, this is a great idea!  Some insurance companies that use our services exclusively always buy both the $346.50 online course, plus the $250 live coaching together.  They want their personnel to be successful. The purchase of these two products together is still less expensive than our classroom session at $630 per person and gives individualized attention.  The results of doing so are outstanding!

What is the structure of AIC Level 1 licensing exam?

100 question multiple choice exam.

Timeframe: 2 hours.  Minimum mark of 70%  is required.

How many tries do I get to pass AIC Exam?

The Insurance Act states that you have 3 tries to attain 70%.  If unsuccessful on those three attempts, you wait 6 months, write one time, wait another 6 months, and write one attempt.  This continues.  Our recommendation is that you are very well prepared for your first attempt, as it costs $50 per time you attempt the AIC exam.

What are your student results?

Currently our student results in Alberta, as provided via feedback from AIC every month shows we exceed the other training providers on average between 16 and 20%. Frequently participants of PDTC Level 1 achieve over 80% grade on AIC exam, which indicates a thorough understanding of the materials

What sets your business apart?

You will be engaged in your studies, and we are available to assist.  We care about you and your success, and are here to assist.

What are my payment options?

Our website accepts credit cards, and PayPal.  Most people find these options convenient.  If your only mode of payment is e-transfer, email to after setting up your Account and Login information.  If this option is required, please refer to your name and user code when sending an e-transfer.

What does your website mean by “Qualification Exam”?

Prior to your attempting the AIC exam, you must first be approved to do so by your training provider.  We have developed a “Qualification Exam” which is similar to the Alberta Insurance Council exam content.  Our Qualification Exam also includes a pop-up rationale to the correct answer.  This is very valuable and will set you up for success if you take this after all of the curriculum content.

Is this Level 1 licensing course approved for Continuing Education Credits?

Yes, this course is approved for 30 hours of continuing education credits both for Adjusters Licensing and for General Insurance licensing (Brokers and Agencies).

At the end of the online curriculum, you will be able to download a Continuing Education Certificate.  This is not to be confused with GLQP process.  The CE Credit certificate is for your future in the industry.  See FAQ re: GLQP for more information on this process.

AIC Level 1 licensing exam structure:

To find out about the Alberta Insurance council examination, where it is administered and when, visit  The Level 1 brokers and adjusters licensing exams are very complex, 100 question multiple choice examinations. These are case study based exams on which you must attain at least 70% as a minimum passing grade.

Is Level 2 CE Credit approved?

Yes, Level 2 is approved for 22.5 CE Credits through the Alberta Insurance Council.

Is Level 3 CE Credit approved?

Yes,  Level 3 is approved for 15 CE Credits through the Alberta Insurance Council.


We receive hundreds of testimonials and thank you notes!  These people are just like you. We are thrilled to contribute to their successes. Give PDTC a try ~ you will be pleased with your results!

Even with the AIC’s changing exam content, PDTC Inc. is approved by Alberta Insurance Council as a recognized provider of  Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Licensing training.  

We at PDTC specialize in knowing Alberta Insurance Council’s constant updates, and deliver a product with up-to-date information.  Our participants consistently attain the best results in Alberta!



“Thank you for your seminar.  PDTC structures this seminar so close to the exam, people will pass!  I passed, and that is the toughest exam I have ever written, University degrees included!”



I completed my first course with Jane Davis and PDTC in 2015 after hearing her speak at a Sales and Service Congress. The CE session at our company conference was awesome! I had my level 1 Brokers licence but required my level 2. As my path has now changed within the industry, I was in need of completing my adjusters exam so of course I reached out to Jane. I truly appreciated the online version of this course. Taking it online allowed me to pause and rewind parts if I thought I had missed something that was said or simply wanted to verify the information a second time. I was so well prepared and confident after having finished all the slides and exams associated with this course. The videos and lessons kept me engaged and interested. I want to truly thank Jane for her engaging courses. The care, effort and time that she and her team display is so appreciated by students like myself.

Until the next course Jane, thank you !!

Tanya Hunt