70 days access for Level 1– what if I start on the course and need it for more than 70 days?
The majority of participants are spending 24 days s in the actual course online. This was originally a one-week seminar which was professionally video recorded, with some pre-work and homework assignments. If you need more time, you will need to pay a fee to extend it by contacting registration@PDTC.ca, or simply purchase the entire program again. There is truly no such thing as an “extension” as they system is programmed for this timeframe. This is the most generous timeframe we have offered. Until 2023 this was 44 days and the success was immense.
We updated due to the Christmas holiday season 2023-2024 then kept it at 70 days.
Study hard, know and be confident. 70 days is very generous!
If you need more time after 70 days, be very cautious! Study hard and write the exam when you are fresh! The results are worse as people take more than 2 months to study. We market to the people serious about a career change. Jump onboard and change your career quickly and confidently!