100 question multiple choice exam. Timeframe: 2 hours. Minimum mark of 70% is required.
The Insurance Act states that you have 3 tries to attain 70%.
Currently our student results in Alberta, as provided via feedback from AIC every month shows we exceed the other training providers on average between 16 and 20%.
You will be engaged in your studies, and thereby understand it better. We care about you and your success and only provide approvals (where required) to challenge the Government Exam …
Prior to your attempting the AIC exam, you must first be approved to do so by your training provider.
Yes, this course is approved for 30 hours of continuing education credits both for Adjusters Licensing and for General Insurance licensing (Brokers and Agencies). At the end of the online …
To find out about the Alberta Insurance council examination, where it is administered and when, visit www.ABCouncil.ab.ca.
Yes, Level 2 is approved for 22.5 CE Credits through the Alberta Insurance Council.
Yes, Level 3 is approved for 15 CE Credits through the Alberta Insurance Council.