What if my 70 days run out before I finish. Why 70 days?
Please time your purchase. This 70 day window is on a 24 hour clock. Therefore don’t purchase today if you are taking an extended vacation before starting or during these 60 days. And, know that if you purchase the course at 2am, it will expire at 2am, 70 days later.
Seventy days is VERY generous, even if you are working full time with family issues. You will need to study for sure to absorb all of the material within this timeframe.
WHY 70 days? We WANT you to pass the AIC Exam, and it takes dedicated studies to join this career for only $387.50 + $50 for AIC exam fee! What other career can you start for only this fee. We WANT you to be successful, and to write the exam while we know what is tested. The AIC exam changes frequently. Governing your studies appropriately for a short period of time is critical to your own success!
If you have had unforeseen circumstances. Email registration@PDTC.ca to see if you qualify for a reset of your course. There is truly no such thing as an” extension”. PLEASE KNOW that we charge a fee for this!